Produces drinking water from air! RePG Atmospheric Water Generator is available to order & buy.

RePG Energy Technology and Products can be used;


RePG Geothermal Thermal Power Plant Waste Heat Electricity Production Application

We Generate Electricity From Latent Heat & Waste Heat!

RePG generates electricity utilizing the relative humidity and heat exchange in the medium & environment!

RePG is a 100% New Generation “Renewable Energy Technology” Inspired by Nature. It is a patented energy (electricity, heating, cooling) and water-from-air deep technology initiative that uses Latent-Heat and Waste-Heat sources as renewable energy sources.

With the principles of osmosis and diffusion, it uses unsaturated air as an energy source and converts the flow power which creates electrical energy without using turbines and generators

RePG Working Principle

RePG is a 100% New Generation “Renewable Energy Technology” Inspired by Nature. It is a patented energy (electricity, heating, cooling) and water-from-air deep technology initiative that uses Latent-Heat and Waste-Heat sources as renewable energy sources.

RePG Working Principle

With the principles of osmosis and diffusion, it uses unsaturated air as an energy source and converts the flow power which creates electrical energy without using turbines and generators.

From Which Sources Do We Produce Energy?

Latent Heat icon

Latent Heat

Solar icon


Humidity icon

Relative humidity

geo thermal icon

Geothermal Heat

waste heat icon

Waste Heat

radiator icon

Other Heat Sources

Why RePG?

Easy Installation & Management

They are easy to install, mobile, and portable devices. Thanks to the Web / Mobile App-based remote management system, you can perform Observation, Service, and Energy Production tracking.

Low Initial Cost

The investment cost is low, the payoff period is less than 3-4 years.

Low Maintenance Cost

Total maintenance cost is very low.

Multi-Application Areas

RePG Enegy can be utilized in Industrial, Residence, Hotel, Car, Bus, Train, Boat, Ship, Drone, Helicopter, Tank, Air Conditioning, Data Centers, Water, and Agriculture applications

No Pole and Cable Required to Carry Energy

RePG can be installed in a very small area where energy is consumed and at a very low cost. Energy does not need to be carried elsewhere by poles or cables.

100% Gain for the Economy with the Use of Domestic Energy Resources

RePG has more than 90% domestic technology and the energy resources used can be 100% local. It puts to good use of fuels such as Latent Heat in Air, Waste Heat of Factories, Sun-Thermal, Geo-thermal hot water resources, Pellet, Wood, Coal.

Small Places (Narrow Volume)

Thanks to RePG and Micro Module systems, residential applications can be installed within a1m² area. It can be installed on the balcony, roof and garden, or can be attached to the exterior wall just like an air conditioner. Micro Module systems in factories and geothermal zones are combined to transform into Macro Module systems and occupy the least amount of space.

Production / Working Time

RePG can produce 16-24 hours of energy in Turkey, an average of 10 hours of energy in Europe,16-24 hours of energy in the US by using only latent heat sources! In case of using waste heat sources, these periods increase to 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

RePG Range Extender: No Need To Recharging!

In a suitable region & weather conditions, the RePG electric vehicle never needs to be charged again!

Enables Energy Production from Low Temperature Heat Sources

RePG produces efficient energy from low, less dense, and very dense waste and latent heat sources that are below 100 °C and between 0 to 30 °C, 30 - 60 and 60 - 99 °C such as chimney heat, geothermal, sunthermal.

Produces High Efficiency Energy in High Temperature Heat Sources

RePG produces energy from less intense and very intense heat sources above 100 °C with much higher efficiency and less cost than current technologies.

Zero Harm to the Environment! Sustainable Energy Source

Zero CO² emission and GWP (Zero Global Warming Contribution). Clean, green, renewable, and sustainable energy source!

RePG Application Areas

RePG technology is a positively disruptive technology can be used as Electricity Generator in Residential, Industrial and Electric Vehicles also used in Heating, Cooling, Air Conditioning & Data Center applications as well producing Drinking Water

RePG Energy technology has products that provide a much advantageous payoff period than all current energy systems and renewable energy systems within a shorter time.


Residence & Building & Hotel & Office

These are all systems that produce energy between 0.1 and 25kWh by using heat (Latent Heat, Sunthermal, Waste Heat (Natural Gas, Pellet, Coal) and Geothermal-Heat) in open environments such as garden, roof, balcony in houses, buildings, hotels, and offices.


Industry Energy Solutions

These are systems that produce energy between 25kWh and 1mWh by using air, low or high-density waste heat (hot water, steam, gas, sun thermal) in industrial environments.


Car / Boat / Drone Solutions

These are systems that produce a range extender energy between 0.1 and 25kWs by using air and waste heat in electric vehicles (car, boat, drone, forklift).


Heating / Cooling / Ventilation Solutions

These are systems that do not use air conditioning gas, have no moving parts such as fans, motors, compressors, and external units and which are silent, do not need water discharge, and have capacities between 9k - 24k BTU.


Data Center Energy Solutions

These are systems that can provide ambient cooling, generate and store energy by using the heat discharged in data centers.


Coming Soon For All Sectors

RePG will soon announce systems that will respond to the needs of other sectors (Agriculture, Water, etc ..) as a result of its R&D activities. Please follow the E-Bulletin!


Residence & Building & Hotel & Office

These are all systems that produce energy between 0.1 and 25kWh by using heat (Latent Heat, Sunthermal, Waste Heat (Natural Gas, Pellet, Coal) and Geothermal-Heat) in open environments such as garden, roof, balcony in houses, buildings, hotels, and offices.


Industry Energy Solutions

These are systems that produce energy between 25kWh and 1mWh by using air, low or high-density waste heat (hot water, steam, gas, sun thermal) in industrial environments.


Car / Boat / Drone Solutions

These are systems that produce a range extender energy between 0.1 and 25kWs by using air and waste heat in electric vehicles (car, boat, drone, forklift).


Heating / Cooling / Ventilation Solutions

These are systems that do not use air conditioning gas, have no moving parts such as fans, motors, compressors, and external units and which are silent, do not need water discharge, and have capacities between 9k - 24k BTU.


Data Center Energy Solutions

These are systems that can provide ambient cooling, generate and store energy by using the heat discharged in data centers.


Coming Soon For All Sectors

RePG will soon announce systems that will respond to the needs of other sectors (Agriculture, Water, etc ..) as a result of its R&D activities. Please follow the E-Bulletin!

RePG in Numbers

kW Energy Generation Capacity
0 +
Renewable Clean Energy
% 0
Year Repayment Period
0 <
CO₂ emission and GWP

Energy Goes Digital!

"Digital Energy" = "Internet of Energy"

Thanks to new startups have accelerated the transformation of energy production, storage, distribution, and consumption like the “Electrification” process similar to “Digitalization”. The exact opposite of the word “electrification” is not yet in our language. The concepts of “digitization” of energy and digitalization of “Old Conventional” systems that produce and consume energy over the Internet are very confused and mistakenly assumed to be the same! Thanks to REPG Energy, you can generate, consume and sell your own energy in your home, factory and workplace. ReGP System takes different heat (Hidden, Waste, Solar, Geothermal) as energy / data source and converts these energies / data into different electricity / heating / cooling sources for you to consume. It works just like the “Mobile Computer”, as it uses different data sources (text / audio / picture / presentation / video) and transforms them into data (photo / pdf / audio / zip) in other ways and sends them to the user. Instead of purchasing “Energy” from a central location, individuals using Mobile RePG can create a new economy and smart grid thanks to the “Internet of Energy” they have established among themselves.

Thanks to blockchain technology and with the formation of appropriate legislation, the Internet of Energy will become the new economic highway in the world within 2-3 years before 2025.

Today, distributed structure and architecture are becoming more and more common all over the world. RePG aims at making the concepts of “wireless electricity transport” and “pipeless water transport” a part of our daily lives. RePG provides everyone with the chance to become “energy farmers” who can produce their own electricity and water. The concept of the “Internet of Energy” will find its place in our lives.

RePG Energy Production Live Data

RePG systems installed in different locations continue to generate electricity every second ...

The energy generation performance of RePG Energy BETA Systems will continue to increase steadily.

Total Energy

0 MWh

Instant Power

0 kW

Total Number of
Active Locations


Total Number of
Active Systems



GMT +3

RePG products and systems that can be remotely managed & monitored via IoT-based mobile&Web application called RePG PowerWorx. RePG Sytem already produces energy in different locations in Turkey and in WW soon 2021 Q2. You can see how much energy RePG has produced total so far on POWERWORX Live Data.

Our Supporters

About Us

RePG Energy was founded in 2016 by Hasan AYARTÜRK with the support of TUBITAK BIGG. RePG continued R&D and Beta field tests with the support of angel investment from TRANGELS A.Ş. between 2017 and 2020, from a total of 80+ individual angel, strategic and financial investors.

TRAngels Leader investor team, consisting of 4 people, continues to work closely with its entrepreneur team 24×7. Production and investment/investor plans for all products and subsidiaries proceed in parallel with the BETA product research carried out in the field. Production site is in Bursa Çalı industrial zone.

RePG Energy continues its R&D and growth activities uninterruptedly.

RePG Energy was founded in 2016 by Hasan AYARTÜRK with the support of TUBITAK BIGG. RePG continued R&D and Beta field tests with the support of angel investment from TRANGELS A.Ş. between 2017 and 2020, from a total of 80+ individual angel, strategic and financial investors.

TRAngels Leader investor team, consisting of 4 people, continues to work closely with its entrepreneur team 24×7. Production and investment/investor plans for all products and subsidiaries proceed in parallel with the BETA product research carried out in the field. The production facility is located in Bursa Niltim Organized Industry Zone.

RePG Energy continues its R&D and growth activities uninterruptedly.