Why did TRANGELS invest in RePG?
We asked Hüseyin KARAYAĞIZ who is RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS, why TRANGELS invested in RePG.
We asked Hüseyin KARAYAĞIZ who is RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS, why TRANGELS invested in RePG.
Thanks to RePG, we can shape the future with small investments … We talked about future energy production and the transformation of energy infrastructures with Hüseyin Karayağız who is RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS.
RePG offers solutions in all areas where energy is needed … We received some information about the Application Areas of RePG Energy Technology …
RePG systems offer the leading technology in pipeless water and wireless electricity transmission … We talked about the effects of RePG Energy on energy infrastructures with Hüseyin KARAYAĞIZ who is RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS.
With RePG, all existing energy applications are changing … We received information from Hüseyin Karayağız about the Innovative Aspects of RePG Energy.
Turkey will no longer be dependent on external energy sources! Hüseyin Karayağız, Leading Investor of RePG Energy and Founding Partner TRANGELS mentioned the importance RePG Energy for Turkey.
Energy consumers are turning into energy producers! With Hüseyin Karayağız, RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS …
We talked about the Internet of Energy with Hüseyin KARAYAĞIZ, RePG Energy’s Leading Investor and Founding Partner of TRANGELS.
Expensive and large energy transmission lines are now becoming history …
RePG Has Green Energy Feature … We talked with Hasan AYARTÜRK, Founder of RePG Energy Systems about what RePG energy does and will do for climate action.